הסתיימה המכירה לאירוע זה

Event: Koolulam

Location: Jerusalem International YMCA, Jerusalem

Date: 23/05/2024 שעה: 20:30

Event Type: SITTING


Jerusalem International YMCA, Jerusalem 23/05/2024 Time 20:30

Event type



114 NIS

Ticket prices starts at

114 NIS



Six years ago, we gathered in an abandoned warehouse in Haifa to sing Matisyahu's "One Day" in three languages, in a joint prayer that a day will come when people, all over the world, will no longer fight.


On May 23rd, we will unite again, this time in Jerusalem, as a reminder that we have not given up on this dream!


At the Koolulam Healing event at the YMCA, we will acknowledge our emotions, breathe deeply together and find gratitude and hope for our future. And above all, we will sing - in three languages, in two voices, in one harmony.


*This event will be filmed and edited into a video that will be shared across various media channels including social media. By buying a ticket and participating in the event you approve your awareness and consent to being filmed and recorded in this event and consent to any use of the materials that may include your appearance and/or voice. 



* ביטול כרטיסים אפשרי עד יומיים לפני מועד המופע בכפוף ל-5% דמי ביטול, לאחר מכן אין ביטולים

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